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Andrology Consultant
Online Consultation with Dr. Sudhakar Krishnamurti
 Though ejaculation often occurs normally and is an intensely pleasurable sensation for most men, it is an extremely complex phenomenon that is regulated by many different systems. Hence, things often can, and do go wrong.From EJACULATORY DISTURBANCES |
 Impotence often comes without warning and can strike even the most virile stud like a bolt of lightning.
How much of a risk do you face ? CHECK IT OUT HERE |
 1st AGASSI & 2nd Scientific APSSM Conference Click here
 Sex is man's second strongest instinct. An instinct that is second only to the survival instinct. This means that if a man's life is not immediately imperilled, the next thing he will automatically think of is sex.

The vacuum device is an external, non-invasive treatment option for impotence. This device is available for purchase through this site. Please Contact Us
More Information on non-invasive treatment options. More Details
 Before the advent of andrology, it was both thought and taught that impotence was psychological in origin. Epoch-making andrologic research in the past decade has shattered this myth and today it is known that in 80-90% of such cases, there is a physical (organic) cause rather than a purely psychological (functional) one.
Upcoming Events in the World of Andrology
Planning to attend a male contraception or andrology-related event that's not listed here? Let us know so we can post it and alert your colleagues to interesting upcoming events.
1st - 3rd October 2008 |
Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Androgens 2008 5th Biennial Meeting on Androgen Receptor Function |
2nd-5th October 2008 |
New Delhi, India |
9th Asian Congress of Urology (ACU) 2008 Secretariat, Department of Urology All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi 110029, India Phone: +9111 26 59 48 84 Fax: +91 11 26 58 86 41 E-mail: acu2008@gmail.com
Web: www.acu2008.com |
10th-13th October 2009 |
Nanjing, China |
Third Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology |
15th October 2008 |
Deadline for International Congress of Andrology abstract submission |
15th-17th October 2008 |
Villa Mondragone, Italy |
14th International Workshop on the Development and Function of the Reproductive Organs |
16th-19th October 2008 |
Toronto, Canada |
Fall Meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) 1100 Woodfield Road, Suite 520 Schaumburg, IL 60173, USA Phone: +1 847 51 77 225 Fax: +1 847 51 77 229 E-mail: info@smsna.org
Web: www.smsna.org |
16th-20th October 2008 |
Beijing, China |
10th Asia-Oceania Conference of Sexology (AOFS)
Web: www.sexo-beijing.com/yw/index.htm |
16th-20th October 2008 |
Guilin, China |
3rd Greatwall International Andrology Forum (GIAF) Andrology Center, Peking University First Hospital, Di'anmen West Street, Xicheng District,
Beijing 100009, China E-mail:
Web: www.giaf2008.org |
22nd-25th October 2008 |
Gijon, Spain |
30th Annual British Andrology Society Meeting |
25th-28th October 2008 |
San Diego, CA, USA |
2008 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition |
08th-12th November 2008 |
San Francisco, CA, USA |
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 64th Annual Meeting Web: www.asrm.org/Professionals/Meetings/annualmeeting.html |
16th-18th November 2008 |
Ishikawa, Japan |
2nd Japan - ASEAN Men's Health & Aging Conference |
24th November 2008 |
Deadline for European Congress of Endocrinology abstract submission |
26th-28th November 2008 |
Rome, Italy |
5th European Congress of Andrology
Web: www.andrology2008.com |
26th-28th November 2008 |
Rome, Italy |
5th European Congress of Andrology |
1st December 2008 |
Deadline for North American Testis Workshop abstract submission |
1st-3rd December 2008 |
Singapore |
3rd Japan-Asean Meeting on Men's Health and Aging Ping Healthcare Pte Ltd 14 Science Park Drive, #02 - 01A The Maxwell, Singapore 118226 E-mail: menshealth@pinghealthcare.com
Web: www.menshealth.org.sg/index.htm |
1st-3rd December 2008 |
Singapore |
3rd Japan-ASEAN Men's Health & Aging Conference
Web: www.menshealthconference2008.com
4th-6th December 2008 |
Macao, China |
Second Congress of the Asia-Pacific Council on Contraception (APCOC) |
07th-11th December 2008 |
Brussels, Belgium |
Joint Meeting of the European (ESSM) and International (ISSM) Societies for Sexual Medicine ISSM Executive Office P.O. Box 97 3950 AB Maarn, The Netherlands Phone: +31 343 44 17 61 Email: office@issmessm2008.info Web: www.issmessm2008.info |
15th December 2008 |
Deadline for World Congress on Reproduction abstract submission |
5th-7th February 2009 |
Cairo, Eqypt |
4th Biennial Congress of the Pan Arab Society for Sexual Medicine (PASSM) 1 B Hassan Sabry St., Zamalek Cairo, Egypt Phone: +201 22 16 38 58 Fax: +202 37 38 06 55 E-mail: cairo2009@passm.org
Web: www.cairo2009.passm.org |
11th-15th February 2009 |
Florence, Italy |
9th Meeting of the International Society for the Study of
Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) 1100 East Woodfield Road, Suite 520 Schaumburg, IL 60173, USA Phone: +1 847 51 77 225 Fax: +1 847 51 77 229
E-mail: isswsh@wjweiser.com
Web: www.isswsh.org |
5th-8th March 2009 |
Venice, Italy |
13th World Congress on Human Reproduction |
7th-10th March 2009 |
Barcelona, Spain |
9th International Congress of Andrology (ICA) Viajes Iberia C/Pallars 193, 2a Planta 08005 Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 93 510 10 05 Fax: +34 93 510 10 09
E-mail: ica2009@viajesiberia.com
Web: www.ica2009.com |
17th-21th March 2009 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
24th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU) Congress Consultants B.V. P.O. Box 30016 6803 AA Arnhem, The Netherlands Phone: +31 26 38 90 680 Fax: +31 26 38 90 686 E-mail: info@congressconsultants.com
Web: www.eaustockholm2009.org |
19th-21th March 2009 |
Caracas, Venezuela |
1st World Congress on Medical Sexology
Apartado 68636 Altamira, Caracas 1062, Venezuela Phone: +58 212 55 13 055 Fax: +58 212 55 13 455 E-mail: fbianco@eldish.net |
1st-4th April 2009 |
Philadelphia, PA, USA |
20th North American Testis Workshop |
4th-7th April 2009 |
Philadelphia, PA, USA |
34th American Society of Andrology meeting |
25th-29th April 2009 |
Istanbul, Turkey |
11th European Congress of Endocinology |
25th-30th April 2009 |
Chicago, IL, USA |
104th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) AUA Convention Department 1120 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5559, USA Phone: +1 401 22 34 308 Fax: +1 401 22 34 372 E-mail: convention@auanet.org Web: www.auanet.org |
31st May 2009 |
Deadline for Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology abstract submission |
21st-25th June 2009 |
Göteborg, Sweden |
19th Congress of the World Association for Sexual
Health (WAS) E-mail: contact@sexo-goteborg-2009.com Web: www.sexo-goteborg-2009.com |
10th-13th July 2009 |
Paris, France |
3rd International Consultation on Sexual Medicine ISSM Executive Office P.O. Box 97 3950 AB Maarn, The Netherlands Phone: +31 343 44 17 61 E-mail: info@icsm2009.org Web: www.icsm2009.org |
3rd-5th September 2009 |
Florianopolis, Brazil |
10th Congress of the Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine (SLAMS) E-mail: info@slamsnet.org Web: www.slamsnet.org |
10th-13th October 2009 |
Nanjing, China |
Third Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology |
15th-18th October 2009 |
Osaka, Japan |
5th Congress of the Asia Pacific Society for the Study
of the Aging Male (APSSAM) Prof. Akihiko Okuyama, Department of Urology Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine 2-2, Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan Phone: +81 6 68 79 35 31 Fax: +81 6 68 79 35 39 Email: aokuyama@uro.med.osaka-u.ac.jp |
14th-18th November 2009 |
Lyon, France |
12th Congress of the European Society for Sexual
Medicine (ESSM) CPO Hanser Service Zum Ehrenhain 34 22885 Barsbüttel, Germany Phone: +49 40 67 08 820 Fax: +49 40 67 03 283 Email: essm@cpo-hanser.de |
12th-15th December 2009 |
Singapore |
12th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for Sexual
Medicine (APSSM) Prof. P. G. Adaikan Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore 5, Lower Kent Ridge Road, 110974. Phone: +065 67 72 41 28 Fax: +065 67 79 47 53 Email: obgadaik@nus.edu.sg |
2009 |
Osaka, Japan |
5th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society for the Study of Aging Male |
2011 |
Busan, Korea |
6th Congress of Asia Pacific Society for the Study of Aging Male
2013 |
Hyderabad, India |
7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male (APSSAM)
Email: apssam2013@gmail.com |
Do you know of any upcoming conferences/events not listed here ? Please send us an email for a free listing. Thank you. |
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