| Stanley Althof, U.S.A. |
| Jacques Buvat, France |
| Carolyn Earle, Australia |
| Annamaria Giraldi, Denmark |
| François Giuliano, France |
| Irwin Goldstein, USA |
| Louis Gooren, Netherlands |
| Luca Incrocci, Netherlands |
| Sae Chul Kim, Korea |
| Stan Monstrey, Belgium |
| John Mulhall, U.S.A. |
| Akihiko Okuyama, Japan |
| Hrishikesh Pai, Mumbai |
| Allen Seftel, U.S.A. |
| Ridwan Shabsigh, U.S.A. |
| Robert Tan, U.S.A. |
| Preecha Tiewtranon, Thailand |
more coming... |
'AGASSI is now the official affiliated partner society of the Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine (APSSM) and the Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male (APSSAM), the continental arms of the ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine) and the ISSAM (International Society for the Study of the Aging Male)'
'JSMAG, the Journal of Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Gender, is the official journal of AGASSI'
Membership is open to all workers in these fields, not only from India, but from other countries, especially neighbouring Asian countries.
All members of AGASSI are encouraged to be full members. This will help place AGASSI straightaway on a solid financial foundation, establish the `bona fides' of applicants, eliminate the need for annual reminders and renewals, and pave the way for the launching of high quality scientific deliberations from day one. For PG students and certain other special categories, this payment may be made in instalments, as will be specified in due course of time. Not a member? Join now! |
BOOKMARK & WATCH THIS PAGE for updates, upcoming events, and the latest and hottest news in the AGAS fields. |
AGASSI ( Andrology, Gender, Aging & Sexual (Sciences) Society of India )
The Andrology, Gender, Aging, and Sexual Sciences Society of India (AGASSI), was formed in January 2004, in Kochi, Kerala, India, with a lot of encouragement and support from many national and international colleagues in the AGAS fields over the years.
The First AGASSI Foundation Meeting
The following Indian founder scientists(in alphabetical order) were present:
- Sudhakar Krishnamurti - Director, Andromeda Andrology Center, Hyderabad, India.
- T. R. Murali - Head - Dept. of Urology, Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai, India.
- Sunil Shroff - Head, Dept. of Urology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, India.
The following international founder-patrons were present on the occasion:
- Ira Sharlip - (San Francisco, California) then Secretary-General, and now President, of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM).
- Bruno Lunenfeld - (Tel Aviv, Israel) President: International Society for the Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM).
- David Ralph - Chief of Andrology, Institute of Urology, London, U.K..
- Sukhbinder Minhas - Uro-oncologist, Institute of Urology, London, U.K..
- Ajay Nehra - Consulting Urologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, U.S.A..
The Second AGASSI Foundation Meeting
In November, 2004, at the First Asia Pacific Congress of Sexology, which was held in Mumbai, India, the following additional international founding patrons were co-opted to AGASSI:
- Alessandra Graziottin - Prof. of Gynaecology, University of Milan, Italy.
- Pierre Assalian - President, 17th World Congress of Sexology, Montreal, Canada.
- Beverly Whipple - Vice-President, World Association of Sexology, U.S.A..
- Ganesan Adaikan - (Singapore) President - International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM), and President - Asian Federation of Sexology.
To bring together scientists - medical physicians, surgeons, basic scientists, students and other professionals from different fields, involved / working in the areas of andrology, gender, aging, sexual sciences, and other related specialties (and other related sub-specialties as may be decided upon from time to time) under ONE forum on EQUAL footing. In this sense, AGASSI will be different from other societies where differential membership status such as `associate' is allotted to many members. Such members are usually denied even voting rights. There will be no such discrimination within AGASSI.
These areas will be hereinafter referred to as AGAS, i.e. A (ndrology), G (ender), A (ging), and S (exual sciences).
Separate societies for aging, gender dysphoria, intersex disorders, andrology, sexual medicine and sciences, female sexual dysfunction etc. already exist in other countries and at an international level (e.g. ISSM - International Society for Sexual Medicine, ISSAM - International Society for the Study of the Aging Male, APSSM - Asia Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine, APSSAM - Asia Pacific Society for the Study of the Aging Male, WPATH - World Professional Association for Transgender Health, formerly known as the HBIGDA - Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association,
ISA - International Society of Andrology, ASA - Asian Society of Andrology, ISSWSH - International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health, WAS - World Association of Sexology, AFS - Asian Federation of Sexology etc. to name just a few). Many people working in these areas are usually already members of other larger societies. However, it often happens that their special areas of interest constitute only a small part of the parent society's activities. It may also happen that they have subspecialty interests that are outside the purview of the parent society
It was felt by the founders of AGASSI that a conjoint association which brings these subspecialties together under one roof is better suited to the Indian context than many fissive associations. This is because, for one, many of these subspecialties are allied and most members of AGASSI are likely to be interested in two or more of these sub-specialty areas. Secondly, the sum total of workers with such special interest in India at the time of constitution of AGASSI is still quite small. Thirdly, it brings down the cost of running such an association, at the same time improving and increasing prospects of sponsorship and support. This will allow better organisation of conferences, allocation of funds for research, conduction of workshops, invitation of international faculty for participation in scientific deliberations, and support of desirous and deserving AGASSI members for further training both within and outside India.
Thus (in alphabetical order):
- basic scientist with a special interest in aging / reproductive biology and its clinical research applications
- clinical psychologists and psychiatrists with an interest in sexual medicine, geriatric psychology etc.
- dermatologist-venereologist with a special interest in sexual medicine
- endocrinologist with a special interest in the hormonal and metabolic changes accompanying aging, andropause, and menopause
- gerontologist (geriatrician)
- gynecologist with an interest in female sexual dysfunction (FSD) and male infertility
- internist or other physician with an interest in sexual medicine, HIV/AIDS etc.
- pediatrician or pediatric surgeon with a special interest in intersex disorders in children
- plastic and reconstructive surgeon with a special interest in gender reassignment / aging reversal surgery
- sexologist with an interest in sexual surgery and sexual endocrinology
- urologist with a special interest in aging, gender, or sexual medicine
- vascular or microsurgeon with interest in sexual microsurgery
- other specialists not listed above
would constitute notable examples of scientists who would want to join such an association. Indeed, AGASSI has been formed in response to requests from many quarters, both non-medical and medical, to bring all these aforementioned activities under one roof. It has also received encouragement in this direction from many international societies of which the founders of AGASSI, its founder patrons, and advisory board members are already prominent members. It is hoped that AGASSI will soon be affiliated to some of these societies.
Further, it is undeniable that all the AGAS subjects are relatively neglected areas, of low priority, not only to scientists, but also to sociologists and governments. A consolidated body like AGASSI, that addresses the needs of these population groups in all aspects, is the need of the hour.
AGASSI will engage itself in studies in the following areas:
- aging - especially in the male.
- gender health: men's health, women's health - both areas are fast emerging as important
- gender conditions - such as transsexualism, intersex disorders, andropause, menopause etc.
- andrology - which in itself is a broad subspecialty that goes much beyond merely erectile dysfunction and male infertility.
- sexual medicine - another broad field which includes but goes much beyond psychosexual medicine and whose full scope has not yet been delineated.
- sexual sciences research - basic and applied research at departments of zoology, reproductive biology, reproductive endocrinology, biophysics, biomedical engineering etc.
- clinical research in all AGAS areas
- inter-disciplinary collaborative research
- other subjects and topics that may be considered relevant from time to time.
- to find and unite all AGAS-interested/trained/oriented/related professionals and students wishing to work together, into a strong professional association, which will try to affiliate itself with international societies from Day One.
- an exchange of multidisciplinary and multicentric ideas and data through the conduction of regular international and national conferences and workshops, and with a view to publication in leading journals, will be an important thrust area for AGASSI.
- to create a newsletter/website containing AGAS articles, new research, book reviews, etc., a calendar of national and international conferences, scholarships, awards, events, and a listing of available training opportunities nation-wide and world -wide. Discussion groups and case discussion lists will also be part of its regular online activities from the beginning.
- to encourage research & continuing education in the AGAS and allied sciences. In the future, some of these will be supported with grants out of the funds of the society, and out of funds given by any agency/institution/individual/s, by establishment of scholarships, prizes or awards and in such other manner as may from time to time be determined by the society. AGASSI will also maintain contact with national & international associations having similar objectives.
- to source others with an interest in AGAS areas, and encourage them to become members of AGASSI
- conduct an educational and awareness campaign among the masses of India in the matter of AGAS sciences.
- do all such other things as are cognate to the objects of the society or are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
AGASSI will begin with a newsletter/news bulletin and soon proceed to float its own journal. The founders of AGASSI are already members on the boards of both national and international journals. They are also office bearers other national and international associations. It is hoped that with this background, AGASSI's journal will soon be indexed widely.
In the beginning, AGASSI will have biennial (or thereabouts) conferences. Wherever feasible, an attempt will be made to piggyback these conferences, with another major international or national meeting, e.g. APSSM, APSSAM, ISSAM, ISSM, the annual conference of the Urological Society of India, the Endocrinology Society of India, the CSEPI etc.. These societies are existing flagship societies in their fields. Many of the trustees and advisory board members of AGASSI are derived from leading luminaries in these societies. Such piggy-backing will make it possible for more people to attend these conferences, and at lesser cost.
Initially, AGASSI will function as a trust. This is with a view to putting AGASSI on a solid footing during the first few years without the boat-rocking phenomenon of lobbying, annual elections, politicking, power tussles, caucus formations, nepotism, and such. Once AGASSI is coasting along smoothly, this structure may be altered by consensus. Of course, all the office bearers of AGASSI will be democratically elected/ nominated. These office bearers will be members of unquestionable stature and contribution in their AGAS area. Their functioning will be transparent, and they will be every bit accountable to AGASSI.
The full text of the deed and the constitution will soon be made available to any interested member.
Privileges of Membership (to be made available down the line)
- All AGASSI members shall be supplied with a copy of the aims, objectives, and by-laws of the society on admission, upon payment of fee prescribed.
- All members shall be supplied with a copy of all the publications of AGASSI, free or at such costs as may be fixed from time to time.
- All AGASSI members shall be entitled to the use of the library and other resources (including online), set apart for the use of the members.
- All members shall have the right to attend and take part in discussions at all general meetings, lectures and demonstrations organised by the Society. AGASSI members will be entitled to attending conferences conducted by it, as well as those conducted by affiliate regional and international societies, at special rates.
- All members are entitled to join the AGASSI online discussions group and participate in online discussions and events.
- All members shall enjoy any other privileges that may be conferred by the Executive Committee (or equivalent body) from time to time.
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