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Andrology Logo
(an-drol'-uh-jee) The science of diseases of the male sex,
especially of those of the male reproductive organs.

- Blakiston's Medical Dictionary
( andro - a combining form meaning "male", "male part or organ". Also, andr - [ < Gk andr- ] )

Ask any ten year old school kid with an average GK (general knowledge) who a gynecologist is or what gynecology is, and pat will often come the right answer. For some obscure reason, the Greek root 'gynaik', which means 'woman', seems to be very well known to many.

Yet 'andrology', with its exactly identical and obvious Greek roots, is something that many doctors haven't even heard of. What's worse is that many respectable dictionaries don't mention it either. This is despite Yahoo and Google yielding nearly one and a half million links when one enters 'andrology' as the search term.

Confusing the issue further is the fact that, except in a few countries, andrology remains a sub-specialty area within urology. This is probably because, unlike in the female, the same organ (penis) is used for both urination and copulation in the male, and hence the territorial encompassment - and confusion.

And then there are the 'laboratory' andrologists. Many of these people are not physician doctors, but scientists whose specialty fields include biochemistry, animal science, molecular & cell biology, and reproductive technologies. These are non-clinical fields. Their use of the terms 'andrology' and 'andrologist' probably derives from the fact that many of these workers are spermatologists, i.e. scientists who study spermatozoa. Technically speaking, one has to admit that sperms are quintessentially masculine, and hence 'andro'. Yet, this is somewhat akin to calling a scientist who examines urine under the microscope, an 'urologist'.

It is quite obvious therefore, that there's a lot of confusion here and that this nomenclature needs to be reviewed.

Hardly surprising then, that so much ambiguity and ignorance surround not only the term 'andrology', but also many andrological conditions and disorders.

Take impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED). For centuries, impotence has been presumed to be the result of mental (or psychogenic) causes, and countless millions of patients have either undergone ineffective psychiatric treatment, or worse - fallen prey to aphrodisiacs and other thoroughly useless forms of 'medication' dispensed by quacks.

Research has now conclusively shown that impotence has a physical (or physiological) cause in nearly 90% of cases. And like most other physiological problems, impotence is often eminently curable. It is quite unfortunate that often the blame for this is put on the woman and she is labeled 'frigid' instead of the man addressing his problem!

It's the same with male infertility, another very common andrological condition. Even though it is the man who is responsible for nearly 50 % of all childlessness among couples, in many parts of the world it is still the 'barren' woman who is usually blamed.

And so on...

Welcome to the
World of Andrology

This site intends to be a rich source of current information covering all major aspects of Andrology - information that will be constantly upgraded and updated to keep you abreast of the fast paced advancements taking place in the understanding and treatment of andrological problems. This site contains information for both the layman as well as the non-specialist medical professional.

So, whether you are an andrologically challenged male, or the companion of one, or even a general physician with such a patient, do bookmark this site for constant support, information, and assistance in dealing with the problem.

For now, follow this link to enter the World of Andrology.

Impotence (Erectile Dysfunction, ED)

Male Infertility


Ejaculatory Disturbances

Female Sexual Dysfunction (F S D)

Sexual Medicine

Andropause (Male Menopause)

Peyronie's Disease, Penile Curvatures & Deformities

Penis Augmentation

Transsexualism & Sex Change Surgery

The Science of Andrology

Andromeda Andrology Center
Hyderabad, India

Dr. Sudhakar Krishnamurti

Online Consultation with Dr. Sudhakar Krishnamurti

(Ageing, Gender, Andrology, & Sexual Sciences Society of India)

Forthcoming Events in Andrology


Sex is Not a Four-Letter Word
(An edutainment book on Sexual Medicine by Dr. Sudhakar Krishnamurti)

Andrology Home

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